Sayo Aluko's Blog (Ruggedboots): "4-1-Love," Movie Set To Premiere In Cinemas On Au...
"4-1-Love," Movie Set To Premiere In Cinemas On August 19th 2016
"4-1-Love," is set to premiere in cinemas on August 19, 2016.
The film is about a young woman Uju Amadi who has lofty dreams of being a
world-renowned poet. She uses a pen name online and develops quite a
large following. Her poems on love and healing are a balm to the soul of
a wheel-chair-bound millionaire, Philip Obodo (Kenneth Okonkwo) who is
grieving the loss of his teenage daughter.
world-renowned poet. She uses a pen name online and develops quite a
large following. Her poems on love and healing are a balm to the soul of
a wheel-chair-bound millionaire, Philip Obodo (Kenneth Okonkwo) who is
grieving the loss of his teenage daughter.
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